What a Deal! Why renting your instrument makes sense and saves you money.

Child being sized for a violin with arm outstretched and violin on shoulder.
School is underway and your child announces they have signed up for strings. What now?
Congratulations on the decision to start a creative and enriching experience! Your first step is to get an instrument so you can start learning and practicing. The range of options available is overwhelming. A quick search on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, or Amazon shows hundreds of options. With prices ranging from $30 to thousands, how can you make the best choice? Add teacher recommendations for rentals and things become even more complicated. Why would you want to rent an instrument when you see so many “deals” online?
A young violinist and cellist seated at music stands, preparing to play.
With so many instruments to choose from, there's something for everyone. Renting allows you to try several instruments to see what you'll love!

What if They don't stick with it?

A common argument for buying a cheap instrument online is the concern that a new player may not “stick with it.” What if your kid starts on viola and decides to switch to clarinet next year? What if music works for you this year, but next year you make a travel sports team instead? It’s an understandable concern.
Renting your instrument is the perfect solution. Many music stores offer introductory deals. This way, you can try out a new instrument for the first few months at a lower cost. Don’t love your new hobby? Often, you can turn in one instrument and arrange to rent a different one. Sick of carrying a large cello? Try the violin! Violin too high-pitched? Maybe you’d prefer viola! By renting, you have options.

Beware of VSOs!

Teachers everywhere lament the existence of VSOs, or violin-shaped objects. This term refers to ultra-cheap instruments. In the musical instrument world the phrase, “you get what you pay for,” rings true. A violin-shaped object looks like a violin. The price reflects the cheap laminate wood, tinny-sounding strings, and low-quality construction. Beginners who practice on VSOs won’t enjoy their experience with their new instrument. It’s tough to love playing music on a breakable instrument that sounds screechy or won’t stay in tune! Before long, beginners lament their VSO as well. Renting solves this problem by keeping entry prices affordable and quality high.
Renting your instrument is the perfect solution. Many music stores offer introductory deals. This way, you can try out a new instrument for the first few months at a lower cost. Don’t love your new hobby? Often, you can turn in one instrument and arrange to rent a different one. Sick of carrying a large cello? Try the violin! Violin too high-pitched? Maybe you’d prefer viola! By renting, you have options.
Different sizes of violins displayed in a fan-shaped arrangement.
Learning on the correct size instrument ensures good technique and a fun playing experience.

Play on the correct size.

If you are new to strings, you may not realise that instruments come in different sizes. Learning to play on the correct size of stringed instrument is essential. Unlike a pair of new shoes, it’s not a good idea to get a larger instrument for a child to grow into. Playing on an instrument that is too large causes students to develop poor habits. Their posture suffers because the instrument is too heavy. Their intonation struggles as it’s difficult to reach the correct notes. Buying a smaller instrument doesn’t help much either! It’s tempting to play on a too-small instrument rather than going through the hassle and expense of sizing up. Again, posture, tone, and intonation suffer. By renting an instrument, you can trade it in for a correct size as needed. Plus, many music stores will allow you to use your rental payments as equity. By the time your child grows into a full-sized instrument, it’s already paid for. You can take home a quality instrument to keep!
Renting your instrument is the perfect solution. Many music stores offer introductory deals. This way, you can try out a new instrument for the first few months at a lower cost. Don’t love your new hobby? Often, you can turn in one instrument and arrange to rent a different one. Sick of carrying a large cello? Try the violin! Violin too high-pitched? Maybe you’d prefer viola! By renting, you have options.

Get free service and repairs!

Rental instruments come with support and service from the music store. Are you a beginner who struggles with tuning? Your rental location will help you get your instrument tuned and ready to play. Do you travel to school or for lessons? Many rentals come with insurance in case of theft or accidental damage. Do you need advice on what size of instrument, type of strings you need, or other questions? Your friendly music store will help you with these questions as well. They will help you get set up on the right instrument for you and will ensure a pleasant playing experience. Many rentals even come with a free introductory lesson! This adds even more value!

What if I still want to buy my instrument?

Still prefer to buy your instrument? For some, it’s still the right option. Working with a reputable music store is still better than buying online. You’ll get support on choosing a quality instrument. Many instruments come with a warranty that you won’t get from an online sale. Often, music stores have trade-up programs. If you are ready for an upgrade, they will allow you to trade your instrument in. You’ll be able to apply the value toward your dream instrument!

Looking for more guidance?

Comment with your questions or reach out to schedule a live “parent lesson.” Get real-time advice and conversation. Learn how to help your child choose and care for their instrument. Discover ways to encourage good practice habits, and more!